Sunday, July 3, 2011

Finally in Kodiak!

We are finally in Kodiak, Alaska. We are staying in a hotel until we can get into a house. We are on the list for base housing so who knows how long it could take. The past two months have been insane for us so we are looking forward to settling down in our new home. Addison has been our little trooper with all the traveling and visiting family. We drove all the way through Canada to Homer, AK and then took a 13 hour ferry to Kodiak. It was a long and exhausting trip but had it's moments of fun.

So far we like Kodiak but then again it's summer time. The weather is cool, mid 50's, and rains on and off. Today is a beautiful day so we went on a little nature walk this morning. I forgot my camera but I managed to get some great pics on my phone. I now know to take my camera everywhere we go. I just never know what I might see and want to snap a picture of. Maybe I will get to see a Kodiak Bear while we live here. Hopefully not up close!