Friday, June 29, 2012

Teaching My Toddler Numbers

My 2 year old (26 months) is truly a little sponge. She is learning at an alarming rate and every day she surprises me with new words and things she knows. She can recognize and say every letter of the alphabet and she knows some of her colors. She can also recognize and name more animals than I knew she even knew. It's actually amazing to realize and see how much she knows. I have been excited about her growing intelligence and it has inspired me to teach her even more. A few months ago I ordered some blank board books with the hopes of making her some fun new books. However, I couldn't think of anything to make so they got lost in closet. Well today I decided to use one and make her a learning numbers book. She knows a couple numbers but not many and has no idea their meaning. I wanted to make it very simple so she can learn and count in a very simple way. I can't wait to show her and see how fast she learns her numbers.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sea Glass Picture Frames

Since moving to Kodiak, Alaska I have discovered a new hobby, collecting sea glass. The beaches here are covered in the beautiful glass, some more than others. We found one beach that gets a beating from the ocean resulting in the roundest pieces of sea glass I've ever seen. There is so much you could spend days collecting. I have been crafting with my piles of collected sea glass. They make very pretty picture frames. I used hot glue to glue the glass on the frame and then paint a clear nail polish over the sea glass to make them shiny. I'm really happy with how they turned out.