Monday, January 31, 2011

I Love Him!

Today my husband went above and beyond his husband and father duties. I woke up at 7am as usually and grabbed Addison from her crib. I was especially tired this morning for some reason. I plopped her on the living room floor with all of her toys and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. My husband, who was sound asleep less than five minutes prior, burst out of our bedroom full of energy with the laundry basket. I was shocked to see him up this early and with the laundry. I wasn't sure what was going on. I asked him "why are you up so early when you have to work tonight?" He replied "I got 9 hours of sleep I am good to go! You should go back to bed!" I didn't know what to make of this so after about five minutes and a couple sips of coffee I went back to bed. I didn't sleep but I snuggled under the warm covers for about 30 minutes then I took a nice long hot shower. These are things I never get to do! The rest of the morning he did the dishes, fed Addison her breakfast, changed a few diapers, went shopping with me and watched Addison while I got some work done on the computer.  A very productive day for him! What a great man!!! I am so blessed!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mommy's Little Valentine

We went to a portrait party today at my friend Holli's house, she is also a Coast Guard wife. Our other friend Kristina, another Coast Guard wife, was the photographer. By the way did I mention my husband is the Coast Guard? Anyways it was a blast! We dressed the kids up really cute and Kristina had all sorts of fun Valentine's Day props. Addison did really well. I was afraid she would try and crawl away the whole time but she didn't until the end. She lasted about 20 minutes and then she was done. It was just enough time to get some great shots. I can't wait to send out our Valentine's Day cards to everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Baby is Sleeping

The baby is taking a nap so that means mommy can work. For those of you who don't know I am a freelance graphic designer. I worked for a company full time before my daughter was born. I planned on going back after my maternity leave but the company sold a few weeks after she was born. My boss helped me get some freelance jobs so I could work from home. It's been the best thing that could of ever happened to me. I was dreading going back to work and leaving my precious baby but I knew we needed the money. Now I get the best of both worlds. It is hard at times but very worth it! Mommy doesn't get very many breaks or down time but getting to spend every waking moment with my baby is worth it. As she sleeps so soundly right now in her crib I am scouring the Internet for amazing photos! I am currently working for a company to design all of their covers for their phone books. We are still nailing down the template but I am also looking for photos to use. It can be a difficult job to find an amazing photo of a town or place that may not be so beautiful. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Dress for Baby

I bought my baby girl the cutest dress today. You can't beat $12.99 at Marshalls. I really don't like spending a lot of money on something she will only wear once so I usually don't buy her expensive dresses. I try and buy clothes that are comfortable and pieces she will wear multiple times. With the rate my daughter is growing clothes don't last long in our house. She is already outgrowing her 18 month clothes and she is not even 9 month old. She can wear 2T shirts! She has always been big for her age weighing in at 9 pounds 13 ounces at birth. Forget newborn clothes! Hopefully the new dress will fit her for some cute Easter pictures.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My First Post

This is my very first blog post on my very first blog. I never thought I would be a blogger but my mom put it in my head that I would love it. I always wanted to start writing all the things down that happen in my crazy day with my little one. She is growing so fast I wanted to document everything so she can read it one day. Right now she is busy playing with the TV. She can pull herself up now on just about anything. I'm always worried she will fall and bump her head but if I don't let her try how will she learn. She loves to touch anything with buttons. Her toys don't seem to hold her attention for very long. It's the foreign objects that she loves so much. Give her a plastic spoon from the kitchen and she will be entertained for at least 30 minutes.