Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Joys of Owning a Lab!

Today was still freezing cold out but the sun was shining so I decided we needed to go for a walk. Our black lab Angel has been so stir crazy the last few days from being cooped up in the house. I bundled Addison up in her stroller and out we went. We recently got Angel a new training collar and it is simply AMAZING! It may look mean but it works great. I could never walk her while pushing the stroller before but now she walks so nicely next to us. You would think she was the most well trained dog if you saw us out walking. The collar we purchased is prong training collar. I'd suggest getting it if you have a dog that is really strong puller.

Once we got to the park I threw the ball a million times for Angel. Then our friends showed up with their dog Cloe, and Angel and Cloe competed for the ball making Angel even more tired. She was so wore out I wasn't sure if she would make it home. This was my plan! I wanted her so tired that all she would do the rest of the day is lie around and sleep. Once we got home she fell fast asleep on the living room floor. It wasn't till about 1pm that she regained her strength by eating a piece of frozen chicken I had pulled out for our dinner. I went upstairs for less than five minutes only to find when I came downstairs there were two pieces of chicken in the bowl on the counter instead of three. Angel had guilt written all over her face along with little pieces of chicken on the kitchen floor. If Joe were home Angel may of gotten a beating but she was lucky I only scolded her and put her on the porch for a timeout. Oh the joy of owning a Lab!!

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