Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Independent Baby

Addison has decided she wants to do everything herself. She has started to refuse the bottle, which is probably a good thing. Maybe this means she is ready to be done with the bottle. However, she doesn't like drinking her formula from a sippy cup. She will drink water or juice all day long from her sippy but not formula. Maybe I will have better luck with milk. Only a little over a month and she can switch to milk. She is such a stubborn child and will only do something when she wants to. She is not one of those babies who will take a bottle whenever offered. She will only drink her bottle or sippy at the exact moment  that she is ready. It's actually kind of funny. I often sit holding it and just wait for her to take it. If she doesn't want something she has no problem throwing it or slapping it away. She has also started to protest being fed. She will only eat if she can feed herself which doesn't really work since she can't use a spoon yet. She doesn't really understand how to feed herself with a spoon and everything often ends up on the floor, wall or me. I have better luck finding food I can cut up and serve her. If its a small piece of food she will eat it, no matter what it is. She will also eat anything small off the floor even if it isn't food. This kid cracks me up sometimes!

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