Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mommy needs a break!

Something has got to give! I am beyond tired and overworked. I love what I do but I wish I didn't have to work sometimes. Everyone says how lucky I am to be able to stay at home with Addison and work from home but I don't think people realize just how hard it is. It is the ultimate balancing act. I never get down time. I never get to just relax. My day starts at about 7am with Addison waking up. I grab her, change her, plop her down in the living room with some toys and cartoons, feed the dog, make a cup of coffee, get Addison's breakfast ready, feed Addison, play with Addison, get dressed, fix my face and hair, check my email for work, make Addison a bottle, put Addison down for a nap, start work, get Addison up from nap, make lunch, feed Addison, play with Addison, hang out with Joe for a second, back to work while Joe watches Addison, Joe leaves for work, play with Addison, afternoon bottle and nap for Addison, clean or laundry, more work, Addison wakes from nap, play with Addison, feed Addison Dinner, more play time, bath time, read stories, bedtime bottle, put Addison to bed, do the dishes, clean house, back to work, work, work, work, shower and finally bed for me!!! That is the longest sentence ever and pretty much how my day goes. Sometimes I squeeze a trip to the store in there. It would be nice to be able to just spend the day with my family and not always look for a moment of time when I can sit down and work. It's very stressful and clients want to give me more and more work and I am just out of time and energy. It is good that I am in demand but when will I have time for myself? Okay enough complaining from me. I am very blessed and I truly appreciate everything that I have in life.

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