Friday, February 18, 2011

Going or Staying

Yesterday my husband received a call that may have changed the course of our lives for the next several years. He was told that we will be moving to Kodiak, Alaska this summer. We were told we would be staying put for the next year but I guess things can change. I cried immediately after he told me the news. There are so many things to think about and do I don't even know where to begin.

There are several things that concern me about possibly moving there. I have severe allergies to mold and asthma. I am constantly sick and battling with my asthma and allergies. The thought of moving to a place that rains constantly and is at high risk for mold scares me. I never had a problem with my mold allergy until I moved to San Diego several years back. My apartment had a leak in the wall that I did not know about and mold began to grow like a wild fire. There was black mold on the walls of my bedroom and bathroom. I suddenly began to get hives and itch all the time then one day I woke up with a stiff neck. I went to work that day and began to have problems breathing. I immediately went to the emergency room and my throat was swelling shut. I was given all sorts of medications and covered in ice packs. I was having a horrible allergic reaction but I didn't know to what at the time. I began seeing an allergist and realized I was allergic to the mold in my apartment. I was able to break my lease and move out almost over night with the help of my mom and a few letters to the property management. After that I had to carry an epi-pen in my purse.

My husband brought up our concerns yesterday when he went to work. Now we have to fill out a bunch of paper work and I need to try and get my records from my old doctor in San Diego. I'm not sure if this means we are going or staying. It would be nice to know soon. I just want to make sure I am not going to be miserable and sick for the next three years. Hopefully it will all work out whether we move or not.

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