Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a Day!

This day has been insane! I'm so glad it's almost over. It started out early this morning with both clients I do work for wanting work from me at the same time! Addison was being her usual clingy self and Joe was sound asleep so I couldn't ask him for help. He had to work last night so I would of felt bad waking him. I tired to have Addison play in her room while I got some work done on the computer but she just kept crawling in the office to me. She loves to pull all the cords and touch all of the things that she is not suppose to. I tell her no but she just doesn't seem to listen. Go figure! Luckily little Addison decided she needed her morning nap earlier than usual so I got a chance to get some of my work done. When Joe woke up he helped by feeding Addison her lunch while I managed to make time to cook us some tacos for our lunch. Then there was dishes, laundry, cleaning and more work. Joe made time to change the oil in my car and give it a good wash. Then Addison went into her full on melt down mode for the rest of the evening. I'm not sure what is going on with her. She will be perfectly fine all day then around 4pm she cries and screams if I am not holding her. I think I need to call the doctor tomorrow. I keep thinking it's just teething but now I'm just not sure. She has also gone to bed at 6:30 the last two nights, sleeping 12-13 hours and napping about 4 hours a day. Why so much sleep? Why so fussy? Can someone please answer these questions for me? Thanks!

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